martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

Grades Tenth

In my school there are four grades tenth : 10-01, 10-02, 10-03, 10-04. Every tent has approximately 37 students and together we are almost 148 students almost a quater of the school. What characterizes us is very happy and outgoing.
My Course

In this picture we can see the best 10-03 during the 10 in this room we found a very nice variety of fun and everything is very funny people in this room at 03.10 encuntra is a large variety of online games concentration Haat more silly, but unique and fun in the game 10-03 are not best friends and colleagues to stop saying that is the best bass of course you need a teacher and director, of course not only a friend a very fun dad we love.
                                                  My course director PEDRO DIAZ!!

My course director is Pedro Diaz, he is also our teacher of philosophy and what i love about him is that he has an exellent sence of humor all the time because it makes us laugh a lot, and it is a very good teacher and his method taught in very good.
1001 It is a course of many mad persons and is the union of past groups is one of least had in account in the tenth 4 is a group that has one of the best lounges of the college but is the one that this mas surrounds to roctoria therefore his madnesses this alone year realize them internally and they cover very much the evilnesses that are done between them same.

Many of the students of 1002 were companions of whom fuzzes today in 1003 since in the year 2008 they separated us it was something difficult but we get used to the change in 1002 it is a very close and friendly course is employed very much at group I like much this one I deal if not tendria as course 1003 me gustaria to study in 1002

1004 is one of lso courses with major academic conflicts but when it is in realizing activities in group they are outlined because it has many ideas and between all they help themselves to be call courses the attention of the demas 1004 it is one of the courses where disorder is listened very much

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